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Mash-up: Insights & Resources on Courage

Instead of a single point about how we view Courage in business, we've pulled together some [4] of our favorite perspectives and resources.

[ 1/4 ] Courage is the Key to Great Leadership By: Bill Treasurer

Throughout the ages, people have searched for the precise alchemy of ingredients that constitute great leadership. In measured proportions, great leaders are said to demonstrate bold but reasoned judgment, spirited but calculated risk-taking and an assertive but reflective disposition. Complicating the matter are the expectations and needs of those being led. Followers want leaders who make decisions decisively but inclusively, interpret situations with rational and emotional intelligence and exude confidence and humility.

The list of characteristics that comprise great leadership is so long and contradictory, that the aspiring leader is left to ask, “Where on earth do I start?” Fortunately, there is a clear starting point. One leadership characteristic—or more accurately, virtue—informs and strengthens all others: Courage.

The good news is everyone has the capacity for being courageous.

Aristotle called courage the first virtue, because it makes all of the other virtues possible. In addition to being the most important human virtue, it is the most important business virtue, as well. Think about it: Other important business concepts like leadership, innovation and sales wither in the absence of courage. Leadership takes making bold and often unpopular decisions. Leadership takes courage. Innovation involves creating ground-breaking but tradition-defying ideas. Innovation takes courage. Sales requires being repeatedly rejected before closing a deal. Sales takes courage. Take away courage, and sales, innovation and leadership lose their potency.

Contrary to popular belief, courage is a teachable and learnable skill, and most everyone has the capacity to be courageous. Moreover, nearly all courageous acts represent one or more of three types of courage:

TRY Courage: The courage of initiative and action— making first attempts, pursuing pioneering efforts and stepping up to the plate.
TRUST Courage: The courage of confidence in others— letting go of the need to control situations or outcomes, having faith in people and being open to direction and change.
TRY Courage: The courage of voice— raising difficult issues, providing tough feedback and sharing unpopular opinions.

[ 2/4 ] DiSC Assessment

Understanding yourself, your personality specifically, and knowing your self-worth is a critical first step to empowering courageous behavior. As Tim mentions above,

Example of the short assessment:

This a quick, 12 question assessment that may help shed some light to get you started. It is by no means a perfect, exact science or "end all be all"...but we'd say it's at least thought-provoking.

Take it HERE (they will ask for name and email address)


[ 3/4 ] "How to Fascinate"

Another assessment and more insight!

Take it HERE, for free:


[ 4/4 ] "Developing Courage in the Workplace"

© 2014 Acclivus R3 Solutions and Training Industry, Inc.

We are not affiliated, they are not a sponsor of WTC, nor do we have a paid partnership with Acclivus - we just felt this report is worth exposing to you all. You can learn more about Acclivus (who happens to be a Dallas-based company) here.

View the insightful 24-page research and report HERE

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